The Origin of Japanese Music -- An Introduction to gagaku for Beginners --
Gagaku is a style of music and dance in which the ancient forms still remain alive even after the passage of centuries. They preserve the old form that originated 1300 years ago. Also they preserve Chinese and Korean music that came to Japan about the 5th century and were compiled in the 8th century into Shiika-kangen (literally means “poems, songs, flutes and strings”). Gagaku is the oldest song and music in the world.

*Performers :
Mizuho Gagaku-kai, Gagaku branch, Otama-Inari Shrine.
An introduction to Gagaku – the basic movements, how to wear the costumes, a selection of famous dance and tunes – all of which are easy to understand, even for beginners.
  • The troupe could be organized from 10 people.
横浜市 神奈川区 富家町 1-13
スカイハイツトーカイ 2005
TEL: 045-434-1551
JR 東神奈川駅 より徒歩3分
京浜急行本線仲木戸駅 より徒歩5分
東急東横線東白楽駅下車 徒歩10分 Map