Sounds of the East (A troupe of Tsugaru-Shamisen)
The Tsugaru-shamisen is a three-strings instrument played in Tsugaru district. It can play out rhythm and melody, high and low pitches all at once. Traditionally it is used to accompany a singer, but Kaze introduces a group performance as a suite into the traditional presentation and thus has attracted many from the younger generation that does not usually listen to traditional music. The troupe members are top-ranked players including the winners in several national contests.
Official site :
“Kaze's Rhythm and Melody” This ensemble is tsugarushamisen,shakuhachi and japanese drums.
Section 1 - Melody of Kaze - A Suite of Shamisen accompanied by an introduction for the audience who may be new to Japanese traditional music
Section 2 - A Sound of Seasons by Kaze – the musical instruments are used to illustrate Japanese seasonal events and animals, which is followed by folk songs and a traditional festival scene.
  • The troupe consists of 13 people.
横浜市 神奈川区 富家町 1-13
スカイハイツトーカイ 2005
TEL: 045-434-1551
JR 東神奈川駅 より徒歩3分
京浜急行本線仲木戸駅 より徒歩5分
東急東横線東白楽駅下車 徒歩10分 Map