A Gorgeous Scroll of Okinawan Court Dance “Indigo and Vermilion”
Okinawa, the most southern islands in Japan, is a real treasury of classic and folk performing arts. The company leader Hiroko Koja has dedicated more than 40 years to gain the mastery of the Classics as well as martial and folk arts. She has received many numerous prestigious awards. Their costumes and a hanging screen on the stage are work of Sekigen Chinen, who is a national treasure of Japan. So the presentation is called “a moving museum”.
”A Court Dance in Okinawa” Beautiful costume and luxual tapestry on the stage. 
A selection of Okinawan traditional music and dance that ranges from folk, classics and court to martial arts arrangements.
  • The troupe consists 8-10 people.
横浜市 神奈川区 富家町 1-13
スカイハイツトーカイ 2005
TEL: 045-434-1551
JR 東神奈川駅 より徒歩3分
京浜急行本線仲木戸駅 より徒歩5分
東急東横線東白楽駅下車 徒歩10分 Map